The following is a collection of thoughts, observations, and some healthy competitive banter.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Dogs Love Me

Listen, I can't help it. I love bacon. (no our sponsor has not paid me to say this) I purposely chose a diet that is bacon-centric so I would be happy and less tempted to cheat. Brian needs to have a portion-controlled serving of "shut-the-hell-up."

Also, I've noticed that my roomate's dog, Lois, who is usually anti-social has started snuggling with me all the time since I started this diet. It must be the new-found confidence from my weight loss. Dogs can sense that kind of thing. She's always licking my face giving me doggie-kisses and following me around in the evenings when I'm home cooking. It feels nice to be appreciated for me.

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